Campaign & Advocacy Management


Suasion works with select commercial, non-profit and governmental entities to build strategies and infrastructures to win modern campaigns.

We conduct or use existing polling and consumer data to develop a Targeting Model for each campaign. This Targeting Model identifies those who will potentially support you, those against and those in the middle. The key to winning is to know who is on your side and who you can get on your side within the time and resources constraints.

Here is What We Do

  • Full Service Digital Bespoke Campaign

  • Voter Segment Identification

  • Target Modeling

  • Values and Identity Mapping

  • Attunement Modeling

  • Grassroots Activation

  • Influencer Identification, Outreach & Relationship Mapping

  • Ally Recruitment & Coalition Building

  • Specialist Fundraising

Here is How We Do It

We conduct or use existing polling and consumer data to develop a Targeting Model for each campaign. This Targeting Model identifies those who will potentially support you, those against and those in the middle.

The key to winning is to know who is on your side and who you can get on your side within the time and resources constraints.

Our Targeting Model draws on various sources of data to build profiles of the target with a specific emphasis on Values and Identity traits. In addition to standard analysis encompassing personality traits, we also conduct bespoke segmentation based on identity traits to try better understand the voter/consumer.

People are likely to be moved more by those things they care about and identify with the most. Understanding those concerns helps us develop a more efficient and effective communications strategy for our clients.

We have developed a unique methodology called the Attunement Model. For most campaigns, the candidate, issue or election is the centre of the universe through which all strategic decisions are made. Today we are confronted with numerous examples where the result on a given voting day creates shock-waves because it is far removed from the tracking data.

The Attunement Model is our way of identifying and then accounting for further factors that lead to such shock-waves. It is based on a particular theoretical approach to identifying Public Moods. Public Moods are deep-rooted underlying phenomena that can be present or made present at a particular time. Similar to a virus, they can infect a target audience and move them to act in unpredicted ways.

Our Attunement Model follows specific groups of individuals in each of the variants of a target audience cluster, monitoring their behaviour and "strength of feeling" on apparently unrelated issues. Once a threat is identified, we reconfigure our communication strategy to attune key voter/consumer segments to present moods and/or attempt to create counter moods.

We can't predict the future, but we can shape it.

In addition to fundraising strategy, copywriting services and direct mail campaigns we work with organizations as part of their project team on Large Donor Acquisition. This involves developing and refining the pitch document.

Very often the organization takes some of the great work it does for granted which results in a weakened pitch. Our job is to prevent this and in turn transform the pitch into something unique and exciting.

We sharpen pitch strategy by doing things like finding out what the pitch amount should be to a particular donor at a particular point in time, and editing the pitch presentation to focus on the key points and avoid early donor exit.

Crucially, we join the presentation as part of the team. Having someone in the room who is persuasive and focused on getting the ask across the line is the single most important aspect of our specialist fundraising service. Too often the discussion can "drift" and it is difficult getting back on message.

Our single focus is to demonstrate to the donor that the project is exciting and will deliver results, that they are backing a winner, and that their investment is prudent and urgent.

We only get involved in causes we believe in and with projects that have the potential to transform.

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